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A2 French Study Guide

A2 French Study Guide

Table of contents

Learning French by yourself can be such a headache. In today’s article, I would like us to go through an A2 French study guide to gather the things to learn and master at that level.


A2 French study guide – Écouter

Why do I need an A2 French study guide?

There are many reasons for you to need a clear A2 French study guide, but the main one would be: you are learning French by yourself and would like to know what exactly you should focus on. 

If you are planning on taking the DELF A2 exam, it’s always good to have an overview of the most important things to learn. 

If you are not working on A2 French yet, here’s a guide for A1 French

A2 French Study Guide: How to

In this study guide, once again, I will obviously not be writing down all of the lessons for you, for two main reasons (which I already talked about in the A1 study guide):


– First of all, doing so would take an incredible amount of time and you would most probably be dropping out after a few minutes. Reading can get boring. 


– The second reason is that I want to encourage you to do things by yourself


I have worked with all kinds of students, but there is one thing that we do, during or after our classes, that is highly effective. If a student asks me a question, and if I think that they can find the answer by themselves, I let them do it. If they don’t understand a word and are asking for the translation, I tell them to check in the dictionary, instead of directly telling them what this word means.



We can also work on tasks and homework. I always insist on doing things by themselves, using the tools that they need. By doing so, the learner will be able to remember the steps that they took to get to where they are, which makes memorization much easier.



So in order to give you a nice A2 French study guide, I would like to break the elements into different categories: vocabulary, grammar, phonetic, conjugation… and spelling. That way, you will be able to classify them and be more organized.



In each section, you will find the elements to learn. All you need to do is do your own research (Google is your friend!). Once you have taken a look at this information, you can create a checklist titled “A2 French study Guide”. Organize your findings in a binder or a folder on your computer. Make sure to work on exercises afterwards, there are PLENTY of them online. 

Vocabulaire A2

Vocabulary includes the lexicon of a specific theme or topic in French. 

Grammaire A2

Essential grammar points to master in order to be able to communicate and build sentences.

Phonétique A2

Things to know about phonetics of the French language. This will help you not only understand French better, but also pronounce words. 

Conjugaison A2

You have to make sure to include conjugation, as it is essential to communication!

Orthographe A2

Spelling rules in French and some exceptions.

Need help in learning French?

A platform that I can highly recommend would be There, you can find some very talented native tutors from France and Belgium. Prices depend on the tutor you choose and start from around 14 US dollars (or 12 euros). You can see tutors’ reviews and videos then book a 30-minute free trial session with them. 

If you want to check out their podcast in slow French, you can click here!

Main communication skills


Parler de sa ville

Parler de sa famille

Parler de son travail ou de ses vacances

Parler de ses goûts

Raconter un événement

Raconter un souvenir

Utiliser les formules de politesse


Inviter quelqu’un, accepter ou refuser une invitation

Donner son avis

Décrire une personne ou un lieu en détail

Demander / donner des informations

Parler de ses projets (futur)

Parler de son pays ou de sa culture

Comprendre des indications ou des instructions


I have linked some of my lessons to these topics, so make sure to move your mouse cursor around!

Vocabulaire A2

L’environnement – Environment

La santé et le corps humain – Health and human body

Le sport – Sports

Le travail – Work

Les régions de France et quelques spécialités – Regions in France and specialties

La cuisine – The kitchen

L’hôtellerie et la restauration – Hotels and restaurants 

Le tourisme – Tourism

Les expressions imagées – Figurative expressions

Les unités de mesure – Units of measurement

Les pourcentages – Percentages

Les fractions – Fractions

Les événements au travail – Work events

La maison (décoration, style…) – Housing (decoration, style…)

Les fêtes et célébrations – Celebrations



Grammaire A2

Exprimer les quantités – Expressing quantities

Pronoms toniques – Tonic pronouns

Le pronom “on” – The pronoun ON

Le COD et le COI – Direct object and Indirect object

Les pronoms COD et COI – Direct object pronouns and indirect object pronouns

Le pronom “en” – The pronoun EN

Le pronom “y” – The pronoun Y

Les expressions utilisées pour la comparaison – Expressions used for comparison

Les pronoms relatifs QUI et QUE – The use of QUI and QUE as relative pronouns

Exprimer la possession – Express possession 

Les pronoms possessifs – Possessive pronouns (le mien, la mienne, les miens, le tien, la tienne…)

Exprimer la durée – Express duration

Exprimer la fréquence – Express frequency

Exprimer la condition avec “si” – Express condition with “si”

Les pronoms démonstratifs – Demonstrative pronouns (celui, celle, ceux…)


Bon VS Bien – The use of Bon and Bien

Beaucoup VS Très – The use of Beaucoup and Très

Les adverbes de manière “-ment” – Adverbs of manner ending in “-ment”

Les verbes qui utilisent À et DE – Verbs using À and DE

Donner un conseil – Give an advice

Donner un ordre – Give a command / an order

Formuler des questions en français : inversion, est-ce que ou intonation – Formulate questions in French : inversion, est-ce que or intonation

Le discours rapporté au présent – Reported speech at the present tense (il dit que…)

Les différences entre à et chez – Differences between à and chez

Les conjonctions de coordination – Correlative conjunctions (mais, ou, et, donc, or, ni, car).

L’accord du participe passé – Agreement of past participle (passé composé with être and avoir)

La préposition POUR – The preposition POUR

Demander à quelqu’un de faire quelque chose – Ask someone to do something


Phonétique A2

Les liaisons obligatoires – Mandatory liaisons

L’intonation – Intonation

La lettre U et le son [y] – The letter U and the sound [y]


Orthographe A2

Écrire le son [o] – Writing the sound [o] (eau, au, o…)

L’éllision – The elision in French 

Et ou EST – ET or EST

É ou ER – É or ER 

Ou / Où 



Conjugaison A2

Verbes du troisième groupe au présent de l’indicatif – 3rd group verbs in present tense

Le conditionnel présent – The conditional : how to form it and when to use it (j’aimerais, je voudrais…)

Le subjonctif présent (introduction) – Introduction to the subjunctive (present)

Révisions: Impératif présent

Révisions: Passé composé VS imparfait

Être, avoir, venir, aller : présent, passé composé, imparfait, futur simple, conditionnel présent

Devoir, pouvoir, vouloir : présent, passé composé, imparfait, futur simple, conditionnel présent



Now, all this information in my A2 French study guide is to be learnt in addition to what you can find in the A1 guide. 

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