About me
Je m’appelle Eden, je suis professeure de français. As a passionate lover of the French language, my ultimate goal is to share the beauty of my mother tongue to the rest of the world by promoting it.

Learning a language doesn’t have to be expensive
Here, you will find free content created by myself: articles, lessons, dictation exercises, preparation for DELF exams, and much more.
I teach French to non-native speakers and I also work as a French Language Consultant. I help my clients localise their content, their brand or their website in French.
I enjoy working from home, but I also love going outside for very long walks and cooking in my kitchen ! I’m a photography lover and I absolutely LOVE taking pictures of people.
I am half Filipino, half French, and I am very grateful for my heritage (from both sides), as it has helped me speak both English and French fluently.
Une langue différente est une vision de la vie différente.
A different language is a different view of life.
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