Reflexive verbs in French
In today’s lesson, we are going to dive a little deeper into reflexive verbs in French and how to conjugate them in the present tense.
In today’s lesson, we are going to dive a little deeper into reflexive verbs in French and how to conjugate them in the present tense.
Bonjour à tous ! Dans cette leçon, nous allons apprendre les adjectifs possessifs en français. In this lesson, we are going to learn about French
Learn 30 of the most essential French verbs in imparfait (imperfect tense) and listen to their conjugation.
DELF A1 Listening practice (2) with audio, exercises and answers.
Today, we are going to practice our French reading and listening comprehension with this easy guided reading exercise : Mon gâteau préféré.
Jobs in French Level : Beginner – Elementary As you might already know, gender in French grammar is a must. A beginner should know that
Apprenons ensemble l’utilisation du pronom ON en français. Listen to the podcast (French-English) and discover the uses of the pronoun ON in French.
Avec cette vidéo, apprenons à remplir un formulaire DELF A1. With this video, let’s learn how to fill in a DELF A1 form.
DELF A1 Listening practice (1) with audio, exercises and answers.
DELF A1 Listening comprehension – Écouter Bonjour tout le monde ! In today’s episode, I will be guiding you through the main tips of the