French mistakes you don’t want to read anymore
Today, let’s listen and study some REAL French content with news articles. Topic: French mistakes you don’t want to read anymore (Les fautes de français que vous ne voulez plus lire).
Today, let’s listen and study some REAL French content with news articles. Topic: French mistakes you don’t want to read anymore (Les fautes de français que vous ne voulez plus lire).
Improve your French writing skills with this easy dictation exercise : Dictée – Dans mon bagage à main (In my carry-on luggage).
À bientôt sur Learn To French !
Let me give you some tips on how to maintain a monologue in French. This can be helpful for DELF A2 and DELF B1. C’est parti !
Improve your French writing skills with this easy dictation exercise : Dictée – Le centre commercial (The shopping mall).
À bientôt sur Learn To French !
Bonne année 2022 ! Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais bous parler des résolutions 2022 sur Learn To French et des nouveautés à venir… C’est parti !
Improve your French writing skills with this easy dictation exercise : Dictée – Le réveillon du Nouvel An en France (New Year’s Eve in France).
À bientôt sur Learn To French !
Today, we are going to work on your listening and reading comprehension in French with this text: vœux de Noël (Christmas Wishes).
Bonjour ! As a teacher of the French language, I would like to share some tips on how to prepare for DELF B1.
In today’s lesson, we are going to focus on the French conditionnel présent and how to use it.
Bonjour à tous ! Today, I would like to introduce you to some French exams you can take, at least, the official ones!