Guess the word | Devinez l’objet mystère
Bonjour à tous ! Today, let’s play “Guess the word” and try to guess or mystery objects… Ouvrez vos oreilles ! You will need to
Bonjour à tous ! Today, let’s play “Guess the word” and try to guess or mystery objects… Ouvrez vos oreilles ! You will need to
Learn 30 of the most essential French verbs in imparfait (imperfect tense) and listen to their conjugation.
Today, we are going to practice our French reading and listening comprehension with this easy guided reading exercise : Mon gâteau préféré.
Jobs in French Level : Beginner – Elementary As you might already know, gender in French grammar is a must. A beginner should know that
DELF A1 Listening comprehension – Écouter Bonjour tout le monde ! In today’s episode, I will be guiding you through the main tips of the
What are the most important tenses for beginners in French? Let’s find out in this article (audio podcast available).
Learn 30 of the most essential French verbs in passé composé and listen to their conjugation.
Preparing for Delf A1 (the beginner level) requires some practice, just like any other exam. Let me show you what it’s like and how to prepare yourself.
Learn 30 of the most essential French verbs to know and listen to their conjugation in the present tense (présent de l’indicatif).
Ever wondered how “est-ce que questions” worked in French? Let me teach you right away!