Express possession in French
In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about how to express possession in French (exprimer l’appartenance en français).
In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about how to express possession in French (exprimer l’appartenance en français).
Today, we are going to work on your listening and reading comprehension in French with this text: vœux de Noël (Christmas Wishes).
Last time, we’ve talked about the pronoun EN, so today, let’s focus on both pronouns y and EN in French.
Today, we are going to work on your listening and reading comprehension in French with this text: Why learning French grammar is important (Pourquoi apprendre la grammaire française est important).
The French subjunctive can seem very scary at first, but let me help you out today.
Let’s learn about the COD and COI in French today. Discover and master the basics of French grammar, explained in English.
In today’s lesson, we are going to dive a little deeper into reflexive verbs in French and how to conjugate them in the present tense.
Bonjour à tous ! Dans cette leçon, nous allons apprendre les adjectifs possessifs en français. In this lesson, we are going to learn about French
Apprenons ensemble l’utilisation du pronom ON en français. Listen to the podcast (French-English) and discover the uses of the pronoun ON in French.