Les bonnes résolutions 2022
Bonne année 2022 ! Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais bous parler des résolutions 2022 sur Learn To French et des nouveautés à venir… C’est parti !
Bonne année 2022 ! Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais bous parler des résolutions 2022 sur Learn To French et des nouveautés à venir… C’est parti !
Today, we are going to work on your listening and reading comprehension in French with this text: vœux de Noël (Christmas Wishes).
Today, we are going to work on your listening and reading comprehension in French with this text: Why learning French grammar is important (Pourquoi apprendre la grammaire française est important).
Bonjour à tous! Let’s move on with PART 3 of the DELF A2 listening comprehension, compréhension orale du DELF A2.
Bonjour à tous! Let’s move on with PART 2 of the DELF A2 listening comprehension, compréhension orale du DELF A2.
Today, we are going to explore more about perfume in France and also practice our French reading and listening comprehension with this easy guided reading exercise : Le parfum en France.
Today, we are going to practice our French reading and listening comprehension with this easy guided reading exercise : Small talk in French.
Learning a language can be challenging and sometimes, discouraging. If you’re feeling like you need some extra motivation for learning French, let me help you!
Today, we are going to practice our French reading and listening comprehension with this easy guided reading exercise : Un programme chargé.
DELF A2 Listening comprehension – Écouter Bonjour tout le monde ! In today’s episode, I will be guiding you through the main tips of the