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Easy Crêpe Recipe – Free Printable + Audio

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Vive les crêpes! The latest addition to this blog is finally here! The concept is quite simple. You can discover French language by learning more about French cuisine and… how to cook French! Each recipe is written in French, as the default language, but if you hover up to each card, you will be able to see the English version of each step. Today, let me tell you more about crêpes.

Have you ever tasted this French delicacy that we call “crêpe”? You might already refer to it as “French pancakes“. A classic of my childhood, a sweet treat that can also be savory. By tradition, crêpes are eaten during the festivities of “La Chandeleur”, on February 2nd of each year, but it can be enjoyed anytime! 

Let me guide you step by step into this wonderful recipe. 

BONUS: Listen to the recipe + FREE downloadable BILINGUAL recipe (French-English)

Écoutez la recette:


Flip each card for English version

250 g

de farine

250 grams


50 cl

de lait

500 ml






1 pincée

de sel

1 pinch

of salt

Un peu

de beurre

A little bit

of butter



Verser la farine et le sel dans le saladier.


Pour flour and pinch of salt in the salad bowl.


Casser les œufs dans le saladier, mélanger avec la cuillère en bois et ajouter le lait progressivement sans cesser de mélanger.


Break eggs in the bowl, mix with wooden spoon and progressively and slowly add the milk while stirring.


Laisser reposer la pâte pendant 1 heure.


Once the dough is stirred, let it rest for an hour.


Faire chauffer la poêle avec du beurre, verser une louche de pâte, bien répartir en bougeant la poêle.


Heat the pan with a little bit of butter (quarter of a teaspoon) and pour 1 full ladle of dough and spread evenly in the pan.


Laisser cuire et retourner la crêpe.


Let it cook for a few minutes and flip it around to let the other side cook.


Bon appétit!



If you’ve enjoyed this crêpe recipe, feel free to mention it in the comments section down below or explore other recipes right here. You can also download the printable version for free, simply click on “DOWNLOAD NOW” to do so!

In the meantime, I wish you bon appétit and see you next time for another post on Learn To French! 

Free Crêpe Recipe

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