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Delf A1 listening comprehension - compréhension orale

DELF A1 Listening Comprehension

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DELF A1 Listening comprehension – Écouter 

Bonjour tout le monde ! In today’s episode, I will be guiding you through the main tips of the DELF A1 Listening comprehension test (or “compréhension orale”).

DELF A1 Listening comprehension – Examples

Here are the examples (in episode).
Instructions : For exercices 1, 2 and 3, you will hear audio files (2 times). In the exam, you will have 30 seconds between each listening. I suggest that you take that time to start answering. Then, the file is played again. You will have 30 more seconds after that to check your answers. 

Instructions: You will hear 5 short dialogues that match with 5 different situations (images). During the test, there will be 15 seconds between each dialogue. Write down, under each image, the number of the dialogue that matches it. Then, you will hear the dialogues one more time and you can complete or check your answers. 

There are 6 images but only 5 dialogues, this means that one image doesn’t match with any dialogue.


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