Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Bienvenue dans la dictée de la semaine sur Learn To French. Let’s work on another French dictation exercise today.
Topic of the day: L’énergie renouvelable
Qu’est-ce qu’une dictée ? What is a dictation?
A dictation is an exercise that helps you test an improve your spelling skills. You will hear the full text read once and a slower version of the text, with punctuation marks read aloud.
Watch out for these punctuation marks
- Point: .
- Virgule: ,
- Point d’interrogation: ?
- Point d’exclamation: !
- Points de suspension : …
- Deux-points: :
- Point-virgule: ;
- Parenthèse ouvrante: (
- Parenthèse fermante: )
- Guillemet ouvrant: «
- Guillemet fermant: »
- À la ligne: skip the line
Est-ce que vous êtes prêt(e) ? C’est parti !
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Dictée : French dictation – L’énergie renouvelable
1. Écoutez le texte.
2. Écoutez la dictée et écrivez selon les instructions (listen to the dictation and write according to the instructions).
L’énergie renouvelable
TRADUCTION (Translation) :
Renewable energy
Renewable energies, such as the sun and the wind, play an essential role in the fight against
climate change. More and more countries are investing in solar panels and wind turbines to produce clean electricity. However, challenges remain, particularly in energy storage and access to these technologies in the poorest regions.
What did you think of today’s French dictation exercise?
If you liked this French dictation exercise, feel free to share it or to leave a comment down below! I would love to hear more from you and your thoughts.
Until then, je vous souhaite une très bonne journée, et à bientôt !