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Dictée : Les bienfaits du recyclage

Dictée : Les bienfaits du recyclage

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Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Bienvenue dans la dictée de la semaine sur Learn To French. Let’s work on another French dictation exercise today. 

Topic of the day: Les bienfaits du recyclage


Qu’est-ce qu’une dictée? What is a dictation

A dictation is an exercise that helps you test an improve your spelling skills. You will hear the full text read once and a slower version of the text, with punctuation marks read aloud. 

Watch out for these punctuation marks:

        • Point:  .
        • Virgule: ,
        • Point d’interrogation: ?
        • Point d’exclamation: 
        • Points de suspension : 
        • Deux-points: :
        • Point-virgule: ;
        • Parenthèse ouvrante: (
        • Parenthèse fermante: )
        • Guillemet ouvrant: « 
        • Guillemet fermant: »
        • À la ligne: skip the line

Est-ce que vous êtes prêt(e) ? C’est parti !

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Dictée : French dictation – Les bienfaits du recyclage

1. Écoutez le texte.

2. Écoutez la dictée et écrivez selon les instructions (listen to the dictation and write according to the instructions).

Les bienfaits du recyclage

Le recyclage est un sujet d’actualité important. Il contribue à la protection de l’environnement en réduisant la quantité de déchets dans nos poubelles et en préservant les ressources naturelles. Le recyclage permet de donner une seconde vie aux objets et de limiter l’exploitation excessive des matières premières. Recycler est un geste simple que tout le monde peut faire. En recyclant, nous préservons notre planète pour les générations futures. Alors, n’oublions pas de recycler et de sensibiliser notre entourage à l’importance de cette pratique !


TRADUCTION (Translation) :

The benefits of recycling

Recycling is an important current topic. It contributes to the protection of the environment by reducing the amount of waste in our bins and preserving natural resources. Recycling allows objects to have a second life and limits excessive exploitation of raw materials. Recycling is a simple gesture that everyone can do. By recycling, we preserve our planet for future generations. So, let’s not forget to recycle and raise awareness among those around us about the importance of this practice!

More dictations



What did you think of today’s French dictation exercise?

If you liked this French dictation exercise, feel free to share it or to leave a comment down below! I would love to hear more from you and your thoughts.

Until then, je vous souhaite une très bonne journée, et à bientôt !


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2 thoughts on “Dictée : Les bienfaits du recyclage”

  1. First time I am writing to you Eden. I would like to say thank for your video. My name is Vikash and basically I am from Kolkatta ,India. I am a basic French learner and not to know very advance french . I see a lots of video on youtube to learn French video but I get boarded but first time when I watched your videos I realized that your way of teaching and your technic which is amazing and I really love your French video I can pretty sure while watching your video I will learn and develop my French skill. I know that you took a lot of effort to making your videos and went to other videos to get them, so thank you again
    Thank you for making this video because you inspired my and other people a lot. and now I will be your forever subscriber
    . Good luck!

    1. Bonjour Vikash,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. I am honored to be part of your French learning journey.
      I love teaching my beautiful language and sharing its beauty to the world! Your support means a lot, so thank you for taking the time to let me know!
      I wish you much success in your learning journey… we keep on learning at any stage, even as native speakers!

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