Jobs in French
Level : Beginner – Elementary
As you might already know, gender in French grammar is a must. A beginner should know that nouns, adjectives, and even past participles will change according to the gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural).
Today, I would like us to work on how to say different jobs in French, and most of all, how to transform them into their feminine form.
Jobs in French – Écouter
Jobs in French – In a nutshell
As mentioned above, nouns in French have a gender. A noun can be masculine or feminine. However, the “default” form of nouns is the masculine form. This means that most of the time, the masculine form of a noun, adjective or past participle will be the “base” of the changes made after.
As an example:
Grand | Grande |
Petit | Petite |
Gros | Grosse |
Gentil | Gentille |
As you can see, most of the time, the feminine form is simply the masculine form with an extra letters (mostly an “e”) at the end. But that’s not the case for ALL of the nouns and adjectives…
Jobs in French
-EUR, -ER, -IEN, -TEUR, and more.
Coiffeur | Coiffeuse |
Chanteur | Chanteuse |
Serveur | Serveuse |
The next category : nouns ending in -IEN. The feminine form will end in -IENNE.
Pharmacien | Pharmacienne |
Musicien | Musicienne |
Technicien | Technicienne |
Chirurgien | Chirurgienne |
-ER / -ÈRE
Some nouns ending in -ER will have their feminine form end in -ÈRE.
Infirmier | Infirmière |
Boulanger | Boulangère |
Cuisinier | Cuisinière |
Boucher | Bouchère |
Caissier | Caissière |
Policier | Policière |
Some nouns of jobs in French that will end in -TEUR (and not just -EUR), will have their feminine form end in -TRICE.
Acteur | Actrice |
Agriculteur | Agricultrice |
Directeur | Directrice |
Instituteur | Institutrice |
Facteur | Factrice |
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Some nouns of jobs will simply add an extra -E to the masculine form to make it feminine.
Avocat | Avocate |
Professeur | Professeure |
Auteur | Auteure* |
* It is possible to use “AUTEUR” for the feminine form as well.
Masculine = Feminine
Other masculine jobs in French will have the exact same spelling for the feminine form. This is usually because the masculine form already ends with the letter “E”.
Dentiste | Dentiste |
Journaliste | Journaliste |
Architecte | Architecte |
Fleuriste | Fleuriste |
Other Jobs in French
Médecin Docteur | Médecin Doctoresse Docteure |
(Un) Sage-femme Maïeuticien (Midwife) | (Une) Sage-femme Maïeuticienne (Midwife) |
Steward | Hôtesse de l’air |
Pompier | Pompier Pompière |
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I cannot tell you how much of a asshole was to find this, thank you so much
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