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Les ateliers de français Learn To French Online French Group Classes

Online French Group Classes

Rejoignez mes ateliers pour apprendre le français et rencontrez de nouveaux apprenants !

Join my online French learning group sessions and meet other learners!

Perfectionnez vos compétences en écoute et expression orale, tout en enrichissant votre vocabulaire. Ces séances offrent une excellente opportunité d’aborder divers thèmes de discussion.

Perfect your listening and speaking skills, while expanding your vocabulary. These sessions offer an excellent opportunity to discuss a variety of topics.

J’anime personnellement chaque atelier et je veille à créer une atmosphère conviviale et bienveillante où chacun se sent à l’aise. C’est l’occasion idéale de progresser en français tout en tissant de nouveaux liens.

I personally host each workshop, creating a friendly, caring atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable. It’s the perfect opportunity to improve your French while socializing.


Learn To French workshops cater to intermediate and advanced learners, ensuring active engagement from all participants in exercises and discussions.


To maintain a comfortable learning environment and for logistical efficiency, we limit each session to a maximum of 8 attendees.


Sessions run for 45 minutes to 1 hour, providing ample time for meaningful practice and interaction.


Every workshop features a unique theme, covering a diverse range of conversational topics, including:


  • Cinema and television
  • Musical interests
  • Global cultures and traditions
  • Family dynamics
  • Inspirations for French language learning

This is just a sample of the many engaging subjects we’ll explore together!


Learn To French group sessions are crafted to enhance your overall language proficiency. 

You’ll sharpen your listening skills, boost your speaking confidence, broaden your vocabulary, and refine your grasp of verb conjugations.


These classes offer more than just language instruction. They aim to create a warm, sociable atmosphere where you can form connections with other French learners.



Each session incorporates concise, practical ‘how-to’ segments, equipping you with skills to navigate real-life scenarios in French.

Workshop structure


  • Icebreaker: Brief introductions to foster a friendly atmosphere.
  • Topic Preview: A concise overview of the day’s theme.


  • Engagement: Exploring the subject through visual or audio materials.
  • Mini-Lecture: A short presentation on key aspects, followed by preparation time for the upcoming activity.


  • Interactive Discussion: Participants share their perspectives or complete the assigned task.
  • Q&A Session: Open forum for questions and clarifications.
  • Debate: Encouraged exchange of ideas and viewpoints on the topic.

Réserver / Book session