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Preparing for Delf A1

Preparing for Delf A1

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Preparing for DELF A1

The French Delf A1 test is based on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). There are 6 levels in total:

  • A1: Beginner
  • A2: Elementary
  • B1: Intermediate
  • B2: Upper-intermediate
  • C1: Advanced
  • C2: Proficiency
The DELF A1 values the first achievements of a learner. It is the most basic level of use of the language. At this stage, the learner is capable of simple interactions: they can talk about themselves and their immediate environment.

Preparing for DELF A1 : The test

A good way of preparing for DELF A1 is to see what the test consists of.

There are 4 parts in the test:

  • Oral comprehension
  • Reading comprehension
  • Written production
  • Oral production

Each of these elements is scored out of 25 points, so the four of them represent a total of 100 points. To pass the exam, you must score a total of at least 50/100. However, if one of the four marks is less than 5/25, then it is eliminatory.

Note: the composition of certain tests, may change from time to time, so be sure to regularly check updates. 


The details 

Components of each test



Oral comprehension:

Answering comprehension questionnaires on three or four very short recorded documents related to everyday life situations (two times).

Maximum duration of the documents: 1 minute

approx. 20 mins

/ 25

Reading comprehension:

Answering comprehension questionnaires on four or five written documents relayed to everyday life situations.

30 mins

/ 25

Written production:

Two parts:

– complete a form, or similar document
– write simple sentences (postcards, messages, legends…) on topics of daily life (40 to 50 words).

30 mins

/ 25

Oral production:

Three parts:

– directed interview (1 minute without preparation)
– exchange of information (2 minutes with preparation)
– simulated dialogue (2 minutes with preparation).

You will have 10 minutes to prepare for parts 2 and 3.

5 to 7 mins
10 mn

/ 25

Total duration of the exam: 1 hour 20 mins
* Total score out of 100
* Minimum score to obtain certificate: 50 /100
* Minimum score required per test: 5 / 25

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The different kinds of DELF A1

If you are preparing for DELF A1, you also need to know that there are different kinds of DELF A1 tests for all types of learners:

  • DELF Tous Publics: for adults
  • DELF Prim: for school children from 7 to 12 years old 
  • DELF Junior: for school-going adolescents aged 12 to 17
  • DELF Scolaire: for school-going adolescents (teenagers) aged 12 to 17 
  • DELF Pro: for people who want to work in France or in a French-speaking country.

Tips for success

Here are the skills that you will need to master if you are preparing for DELF A1 test.


Present tense (Le présent de l’indicatif)
The imperative (L’impératif)
Common verbs: être, avoir, aller, venir, faire, pouvoir, devoir…
Common verbs in -er: parler, chanter, danser, manger…
Personal subject pronouns: je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles.
Tonic pronouns: moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, elles.

Possessive adjectives: mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes…
Demonstrative adjectives: ce, ces, cette.
Simple interrogative pronouns: Pourquoi? Comment? Où? Qui? Quand? …
Interrogative adjectives: Quel / Quelle / Quels / Quelles

Negation: ne … pas
When to use: c’est, voilà, voici…
Definite and indefinite articles: le, la, les, l’ and un, une, des.
Partitive articles: du, de la, de l’, des.
The expression of quantity: un peu de, beaucoup de…
Adjectives agreeing with nouns in gender and number: une belle maison, un beau chat.
Ordinal numbers: premier, deuxième, troisième…
Simple logical connectors: mais, et, ou, alors…


The alphabet


Days of the week
Time, date
Months, seasons
Marital status: célibataire, en couple, marié(e), veuf, veuve…
Leisure activities
Simple adjectives (grand, petit, gros, beau…)

Communication skills

Greet a person
Introduce yourself
Talking about your family
Talking about your hobbies
Physical description
Ask someone for something

Write a short and simple letter (40 – 50 words)


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