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Say the date in french

How to say the date in French + FREE Bonus

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Bonjour à tous et à tous! Let’s learn how to say the date (la date) in French today!  It’s very easy, so let me guide you through this process. Vous êtes prêts? C’est parti, les amis!

How to say the date in French : what you need to know first

First things first. In American English, the date format is actually presented this way : 
Brush that format off of your mind, as in French, the format is : 


Now that you know it, let’s officially start our process of learning how to say the date in French! 


1. Les mois de l’année : Months

Say the date in French

Months have no gender. But the word "mois" (month) is masculine : un mois, le mois.

If you like music and want to learn months in French while singing, listen to this song from Alain Le Lait on youtube : Les Mois de l’Année

2. Les jours de la semaine : Days of the weeks

Une chanson d’Alain Le Lait sur les jours de la semaine
Say the date in French

Days of the week are masculine. If you want to say the date in French, you can include “le”. 

For example: 

Question: Quelle est la date d’aujourd’hui?  (What’s the date today?)

Réponse: Nous sommes le jeudi 9 avril.


3. Les années : Years

In French, this is how we read years: the exact number that you see! 
2019 = Deux-mille-dix-neuf (Two thousand nineteen). 
1990 = Mille-neuf-cent-quatre-vingt-dix.

If you would like to know more about how to read numbers in French, let me suggest this article that I’ve written a while ago for Lingodeer’s blog : Numbers in French. Or simply hop on my lesson on how to count in French

4. Different ways to ask and say the date in French

There are different ways of asking the date in French and different answers possible. 

a. How to ask the date in French

What’s the date today?

Formal / Informal : Quelle est la date d’aujourd’hui? 
Informal: C’est quelle date, aujourd’hui? 

Formal: Nous sommes le combien? 

Informal: On est le combien?

Informal French uses the pronoun “on” instead of “nous”. “On” is conjugated the same way as “il” and “elle”.

To ask about the day (and not the date): What day are we today?

Formal: Quel jour sommes-nous, aujourd’hui? 

Informal: Quel jour on est, aujourd’hui?

If you would like to know more about how to ask questions in French, please take a look at this article about asking questions in French

b. How to say the date in French

Et maintenant, les réponses! Voici comment dire la date en français:


Quelle est la date d’aujourd’hui?

C’est quelle date, aujourd’hui?

Nous sommes le combien? 

On est le combien? 


Quel jour sommes-nous, aujourd’hui?

Quel jour on est, aujourd’hui? 


Aujourd’hui, c’est le 15 (quinze) avril.

Aujourd’hui, c’est le 15 (quinze) avril.

Nous sommes le 15 avril.

On est le 15 avril.


Aujourd’hui, nous sommes jeudi.

Aujourd’hui, on est jeudi. 


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Et voilà! I hope that you’ve enjoyed this article and feel free to share your thoughts and comments down below.  Here’s our little bonus for today : a printable PDF sheet of what you need to remember. 

How to say the date in French (PDF)

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 À bientôt, les amis!

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