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French future tenses - Futur simple vs futur proche

Understand French future tenses

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Bonjour bonjour ! In today’s lesson, I want us to get familiar with the French future tenses: futur proche and futur simple. I know having two more tenses to learn can sound intimidating, but don’t panic. As usual here on Learn To French, I will do my best to explain it the same way I explain it to my students. 

French future tenses – Écouter

Futur proche

Future proche is the first French future tense we are going to see. This is what we call “the near future” (le futur proche) in French. 
We form it by following this pattern:
Subject + ALLER conjugated in the present tense + infinitive verb (the verb of action)

For example : 

Je vais manger une glace. I am going to eat an ice cream.

ALLER (présent de l’indicatif):

Je vais

Tu vas

Il / elle va

Nous allons

Vous allez

Ils / elles vont

For negative sentences, you will follow the pattern: 

Subject + ne + ALLER conjugated in the present tense + pas + infinitive verb

For example: 

Je ne vais pas manger de glace. I am not going to eat ice cream. 

Basically, for negation, “ne” will be placed before the verb ALLER and “pas”, after it.

For pronominal verbs, the pattern stays the same, but we need to include our pronoun in the sentence. That pronoun will be placed before the infinitive verb. 

Je vais me lever. I am going to get up.


As you can see, futur proche is similar to the English “going to + verb”.

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Futur simple

Futur simple, on the other hand, is a full blown new tense with its own verb endings. 
For regular verbs, we form it by following this pattern: 







Il / Elle / On









Ils / Elles




Let’s take for example the verb MANGER:

Je mangerai

Tu mangeras

Il / elle mangera

Nous mangerons

Vous mangerez

Ils / elles mangeront


Verbs that end with the letter E, such as PRENDRE or METTRE, will simply drop that final E and add the same endings. 

Je prendrai

Tu prendras

Il / elle prendra
Nous prendrons

Vous prendrez

Ils / elles prendront

Some irregular verbs

There are some irregular verbs that you need to remember, such as ÊTRE, AVOIR, ALLER, VENIR, FAIRE, POUVOIR…




Je serai

Tu seras

Il / elle sera

Nous serons

Vous serez

Ils / elles seront



Tu auras

Il / elle aura

Nous aurons

Vous aurez

Ils / elles auront



Tu iras

Il / elle ira

Nous irons

Vous irez

Ils / elles iront


Je viendrai

Tu viendras

Il / elle viendra

Nous viendrons

Vous viendrez

Ils / elles viendront


Je ferai

Tu feras

Il / elle fera

Nous ferons

Vous ferez

Ils / elles feront


Je pourrai
Tu pourras

Il / elle pourra

Nous pourrons

Vous pourrez

Ils / elles pourront

Differences between the French future tenses

Futur simple VS futur proche

Using futur simple and futur proche will depend on the context. 

Futur proche is used when you want to express an action in the future, that is most like to happen immediately or in the near future. It seems a little more dynamic, so it is more used in spoken French. It also gives the impression that the event is going to happen for sure in the near future.

Je vais manger une pomme. I’m going to eat an apple. 


Futur simple is used when you want to express an action that is still in the future, but less certain to happen. It gives an impression of distance. It’s also common to use futur simple to talk about things that will happen further into the future.

J’irai au Mexique. I will go to Mexico. 


French future tenses – Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this lesson on the French future tenses, make sure to check out my YouTube channel if you like this kind of content. Until then, je vous dis au revoir et à bientôt pour une nouvelle leçon sur Learn To French !

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