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intempestif in French - French word of the week

Intempestif in French | Word of the week

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Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Welcome to our weekly word study, where we learn and analyze a specific word in French.

Today’s word : Intempestif in French. 

Intempestif in French – Écouter 

The word Intempestif in French is an adjective. What does it mean? 

Intempestif in French – Definition

  1. Qui se fait ou se manifeste à contretemps, et peut être inconvenant. 

So, in a nutshell, intempestif is an adjective that describes something as untimely or inconvenient. This means that the noun it is describing can be something out of place, unwanted, or even inappropriate. 

Exemple :


 Ces bruits intempestifs me fatiguent. (These untimely noises make me tired.)

Where does the word Intempestif in French come from?

The word intempestif in French comes from Latin. It comes from intempestivus, which means “out of season” and tempus, which means “time”.



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Construct sentences with Intempestif

The word Intempestif in French is an adjective. Therefore, you need to pay attention to its different forms when using it. 

In French, adjectives agree with the noun’s gender and number. This means that if the noun the adjective is describing is masculine, feminine, singular or plural, the adjective will follow. 

If it’s describing a singular masculine noun, use intempestif : Un bruit intempestif. 

If it’s describing a singular feminine noun, use intempestive : Une démarche intempestive. 

If it’s describing a plural masculine noun, use intempestifs : Des visiteurs intempestifs. 

If it’s describing a plural feminine noun, use intempestives : Des restrictions intempestives.




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