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miroiter in french

Miroiter in French | Word of the week

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Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Welcome to our weekly word study, where we learn and analyze a specific word in French.

Today’s word : Miroiter in French. 

Miroiter in French – Écouter 

The word Miroiter in French is a verb. What does it mean and how do we conjugate it? 

Miroiter in French – What does it mean?

1. Réfléchir la lumière en jetant des reflets scintillants

Miroiter in French means “to sparkle” or “to shimmer” at the light of something. It represents the reflection, just like how a mirror would do. 

Exemple : Les bijoux miroitent à la lumière du soleil. (The jewelry shimmers in the sunlight.)


Miroiter – Where does it come from?

“Miroiter” is a verb that derives from the noun “miroir”, which means “mirror”. 

How to conjugate the verb Miroiter in French 

The verb Miroiter in French is a regular verb from the first group (verbs in -ER). 
This is how you conjugate it in the present tense (le présent de l’indicatif):

Je miroite

Tu miroites

Il / elle / on miroite

Nous miroitons

Vous miroitez

Ils / elles miroitent


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Construct sentences with Miroiter

You can simply use “miroiter” to talk about reflection being shown or a shimmering object. 

There is also an expression that you can use “faire miroiter quelque chose à quelqu’un“, which means “to paint something in glowing colors for somebody”. This means that you are making someone hope for something (a profit, an often illusory advantage) to seduce them, to win them over.

Exemple : “Il m’a fait miroiter l’argent que je pouvais gagner en travaillant pour lui.” (He dangled the money I could make working for him.)

In that case, you should conjugate the verb “faire” and not “miroiter”. 

Je fais miroiter

Tu fais miroiter

Il fait miroiter …


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