Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Welcome to our weekly word study, where we learn and analyze a specific word in French.
Today’s word : Puériculture in French.
Puériculture in French – Écouter
The word Puériculture in French is a noun. What does it mean?
Puériculture in French – Meaning
1. Ensemble des connaissances et des techniques mises en œuvre pour assurer aux tout-petits une croissance et un développement normaux.
Puériculture in French is the knowledge and techniques used to ensure normal growth and development for children (from toddlers to young children).
Exemple : Marie est auxiliaire de puériculture. (Marie is a childcare assistant.)
Where does the word Puériculture in French come from?
“Puériculture” is a feminine noun and comes from the latin term “puer“, which means “child” and “culture“.
Some practical uses and derivates
The noun Puériculture in French can have derivates.
Puériculteur / Puéricultrice
This is the term used for jobs that are related to childcare.
It can have several meanings, such as : nursery teacher, childcare assistant, kindergarten worker…
Another derivate : Infirmière puéricultrice = Pediatric nurse
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Construct sentences with Puériculture
The noun Puériculture in French is a feminine noun. Therefore, you need to pay attention if you need to apply adjectives to it.
Example : Je travaille dans la puériculture.
Être + […] puériculteur/puéricultrice
To say that you work in childcare, you can simply use the structure “être + […] puériculteur/puéricultrice“.
Je suis puériculteur.
Je suis infirmière puéricultrice.
I hope you enjoyed this week’s word. If you would like to check out more words, click here!