Learning A1 French By Yourself
So you have decided to learn French and would like to do it alone. How should you be learning A1 French by yourself? Is it difficult? Let me guide you through the elements that you need to focus on.
So you have decided to learn French and would like to do it alone. How should you be learning A1 French by yourself? Is it difficult? Let me guide you through the elements that you need to focus on.
Let me give you my best tips for learning French, as a French teacher, and enjoy a bilingual French-English article to read.
Today, let’s learn more about what makes a noun feminine or masculine in French, and how to find out the gender of a noun.
Learning a language requires you to have organization and resources. Take a look at my best tools for learning French online, French podcast included, just for you.
Bonjour à toutes et à tous! Today, I wanted to introduce you to some activities, how to stay productive at home and websites to visit
Have you ever started learning French and felt discouraged? Let me guide you through the 10 best reasons to learn French and boost you up!
Learn how to sound more French with these 10 easy tips. Just like a native speaker!